
CreativeOne Wealth

Advisor Resource Center

A partnership committed to your success.


 Operations assistance: (operations@creativeonewealth.com), 888-798-2360 opt 1

Trading requests: (trading@creativeonwealth.com), 888-798-2360 opt 3

Processing requests: (docsubmission@creativeonewealth.com)

Billing assistance: (billing@creativeonewealth.com)

Ben Avis

Chief Operations Officer

Morgan Ballew

Operations Manager

Joe Lauristen

Advisory Billing Manager

Nick Meilak

Advisor Services Specialist

Francisco Ramos

Advisor Services Specialist

Renee Schelp

Advisor Services Specialist

Rayanne Roper

Workflow Processor

Straucie Robeson

Workflow Processor

Austin Kretchmar

Transition Associate

Tarren Bigham

Trading Associate

Ryan Woody

Advisory Billing Associate

Advisory Solutions

Investment inquiries: (as@creativeonewealth.com)

Analysis requests: (analysis@creativeonewealth.com)

Jack O'Brien

Relationship Management

Brook Campbell

Relationship Management

Eric Barr

Relationship Management

Micah Skebo

Financial Data Analyst

Matt Heimann, CFA

Director of Asset Management


Compliance assistance: (compliance@creativeonewealth.com), 888-798-2360 opt 2

Chang Shin

Chief Compliance Officer

Amanda Morgan

Compliance Analyst


Marty Pfannesnstiel, J.D.

President of CreativeOne Wealth

Kenneth Hyman

Executive Vice President

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